He Listens

Whenever you think you're funny, God always finds a way to show you that He's hilarious. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering how my experience speed dating went, and I'm here to tell you that it was a success, my friend found someone. 

The reason I find it funny is because before heading to the event, we got tacos and margaritas. Over drinks the topic of dating outside our race came up with both of us agreeing that we're down to go with the one that treats us the best regardless of skin color. To put it simply, I don't really have a type, but as a fly woman, I need a man with swag. While I have looked across the pond before, my friend did say that it would be a brand-new experience for her. Ready for the joke? Here it comes. Not only did the guy she matched with end up being white, but he also ended up being from overseas, specifically from the same country as her ex. A coincidence? I think not. 

Overall, I had a good time, but I can't really see myself doing that again. As an extroverted introvert having 10 -15 5-minute conversations back-to-back was extremely tiring. After about 5 nice to meet yous and what do you do for a livings, I was pretty worn out. But I did have a lot of good takeaways from going. Number one, I love playing games, not mind games, but real games. After the speed dating, they had a mixer that had games like bingo and family feud. That was honestly the best part of the night for me. It doesn't really come at a surprise though because when the pandemic first started, I was always watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy (RIP Alex). Number two, I miss math. As someone who loves to spend money, I know how to count it, and of course make it. But something I've wanted to do for a while is get back into math. This was cemented when the question of what I'd do with a million dollars came up. My answer to this hypothetical started off predictable with things like put my bills on autopay, pay back some debts, stop working to focus on this (myself) full time, and start a collection of vintage Dior saddle bags. But I definitely surprised people when I said I would go back to learn trigonometry all the way through calculus for the sake of it. For me, I think that having money eliminates the pressure of doing it to get a job after the fact. There are only two things I'd go back to school for: economics and dance education. Dance education would be like my backup plan, but economics would truly be for the fun of it. 

Why math you ask? Well, growing up I was fortunate to attend some of the best public schools that Chicago had to offer. In elementary school I worked two grade levels above my actual grade level and I graduated at the top of my class. At first, I struggled with algebra, but eventually I made it through the rough patch which caused me to love math. I even joined the math team and often competed at other schools. However, although my education was quality, it did not exempt me from falling behind. My sophomore year of high school I took honors algebra trig. Unbeknownst to me, that year I did not learn a lick of trigonometry, meaning that my teacher basically taught us advanced algebra the whole year and basically passed it off as trig. It wasn't until next year in precalc that I found out how severely behind I was. Junior year I had the hardest math teacher in the school, and I just remember her continuously asking me why I didn't know something or hadn't seen something prior to her class. As a straight A student who had plans to go to a good university, this was extremely scary and devastating for me. In order to make a decent grade I went to office hours, but even so, I was barely keeping my head above water. I ended up earning at B, which at the time felt like an F to me, but now I can just think about that and laugh. At the end of the year, I was happy to have made it through, and I hoped that the next year I got an easier teacher. Of course that did not happen, and I ended up with the same teacher for calculus senior year. The whole situation was exhausting and caused me to turn my back on math, but if given the opportunity now, I would get back into it. 

The last and final thing that I learned from the night is my pet peeve. It's something I don't really think about too much, I just know that I have icks and turn offs. But when asked what my biggest pet peeve was, it took me a while. After thinking about it so long, I realized that it's when people do not listen to me. I hate being ignored, and I think it's crazy when people ignore my carefully crafted advice. As a virgo, this makes sense. So, when thinking about what I'm truly looking for in a man, I have to say that a sense of humor and a listening ear is at the top of the list.

I hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day, and I hope you enjoyed this.




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